Sunday Homilies
Association of Catholic priests Sunday homily resources, weekday homily resources and resources for special occasions.
The Abbot of the Monastery of Christ in the Desert offers his Sunday homilies.
Today’s Good News: A brief commentary by Donagh O’Shea on the gospel reading for each day of the month.
One Bread, One Body; short, pithy daily reflections.
Weekly Wellsprings. Not necessarily homilies but a “wellspring”.
Desperate Preacher a title that possibly underestimates the resource’s value.
Minute meditations and a Friar’s E-Spirations from Franciscan Media. Sign up to receive these by email.
Gospel Notes by Fr Michael Wheelan of the Aquinas Academy.
Run by the Dominican Friars, First Impressions – both a webpage and a weekly email service is a service to preachers and those wishing to prepare for Sunday worship.
Deacon John Scanlon’s reflections on Christian teaching and life.
Fr Tommy Lane’s extensive published thoughts.
Homilies from America’s ‘foremost’ pastoral publication, the Homiletic and Pastoral Review.
The Sanchez Archives: a set of commentaries for the three Sunday readings.
Living Space reflections by Frank Doyle SJ.
Daily Scripture: Meditations on the daily scripture readings.
Word Sunday offers a lectionary resource for Catholics with a sign up option for a weekly email.
The Sunday website from the St Louis University offers reflections, prayer, general intercessions and possible music selections.
Seekers Church is a christian church with homilies for those “seeking”.
Fr John Thornhill from Australia has an international reputation as a lecturer and a writer. Now retired he publishes homilies in advance of the Sunday.
The Centre for Liturgy hosted by St Louis University provides excellent background resources for homily preparation as well as model homilies. The site’s articles include a justice perspective, relevant extracts from early church writings, historical /cultural context and scriptural exegesis.
Homilies.Net offers homilies in English and Spanish. They have a selection of short homilies by various authors. There is good mixture of style and they usually have at least one good illustration that can be used
Fr Joe Pellegrono offers a weekly spiritual reflection.
Text this week is an ecumenical site. It has extensive links to liturgical resources and homilies related to the Sunday Lectionary text of day.
St Vincent’s Archabbey “Weeklywords” offers a summary of the Gospel and a reflection on some possible life implications
Sunday contributions from various ordained and lay people at the Jesuit Collaborative Ministry at Creighton University. Each week’s guide offers reflections on finding intimacy with God in the midst of our everyday busy lives.
As well as discussions on a range of aspects on liturgy, also offers Sunday reflections.
Preaching on Sunday readings by the English Dominican Friars. Homilies can be emailed to you each week.
The Independent Catholic’s Chaplain’s weekly reflections.
eSermons provides weekly sermons and illustrations which can be sent by e-mail. The service needs to signed up for, and the full service carries an annual fee.
300+ Free Catholic Sunday and Holy Day Homilies
An extensive list of Homily sites – some of which are mentioned above.
Homilies to be used on Sundays all with a Justice theme
Daily Reflections
Association of Catholic priests weekday homily resources and resources for special occasions.
Daily meditations, including Sunday bringing a Catholic perspective to life’s journey.
More daily meditations and scripture readings.
From the One Bread, One Body ministry these resources are described as the basis for good “brief reflections” after the Gospel during the week.
Contributions from various lay and ordained people in the daily Bible reflection guide for Catholics is based on the Scriptures of the day. Generally the reflection is about three paragraphs.
Daily prayer and reflections based on the Scripture readings of the day. Supplied by the Madonna Magazine.
The Carmelites invite you to participate with us for Lectio Divina On-line. This practise offers a short time of concentration and reflection on the Gospel of the day. It is the method used by all Carmelites and also by hundreds of people throughout the world.
Pencil preaching, sketches open the Word for each day.
Children’s Homilies
Each of these Bible stories for Kids contains a retelling of the Bible story, questions to think about, a special lesson to remember, a Scripture memory verse, a prayer, where the story can be found in the Bible, and sometimes activities, crafts, and songs to go along with the story.
Roland McGregor is Pastor of the Asbury United Methodist Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Each week he posts a children’s story. The children’s story links with his sermon for adults and both can be sent to you via e-mail.
For a fee Sermon Writers offer to write your homily! They also offer free sermons for children. The sermons are based on particular texts rather than ordered by the liturgical cycle.
Special Occasions
Sermon Central has a number of wedding homilies. Search on the keywords of “marriage” and “wedding”.
Wedding and funeral sermons. (PDF)
For a fee Sermon Writers offer to write your homily! They also offer free wedding and funeral homilies.
Fr Tommy Lane has provided excerpts from his funeral homilies, which may help in preparation for a homily.
Rev Richard Fairchild provides links to a number of homilies for weddings, funerals and other special occasions.
Homilies Alive provide some examples for Weddings and Funerals.
Fr John Thornhill’s “other feast day reflections“
The Good Clean Funnies List Archive provides numerous jokes and stories which with a bit of imagination, can help illustrate a homily!
Sermon Illustrations allows searching for particular illustrations by New Testament passage, Old Testament passage, A-Z single word or even multiple words.
Inspirational Christian Stories, Poems and Thoughts is an archive of resources gathered around particular themes.
General Resources
The New American Bible
Wellspring Liturgy a range of ideas and outlines around themes.
The Church’s yearly cycle supplied by UK Catholic Church. is an ecumenical resource with international material for spirituality, worship, preaching, teaching, or a pew sheet. offers liturgical planning guides that contains a variety of excellent resources to help you prepare the liturgy, including music suggestions, practical advice, a music planning template, suggestions for the Introduction to Mass and suggestions for general intercessions.
Catherine McElhinney and Kathryn Turner are Catholic women who pray every day and who create and celebrate liturgies, lead workshops and retreats. In placing some of their liturgies online they hope they can lead people to the Wellsprings in their own lives. These liturgical ideas cover the whole of the Church’s year.
Seekers Liturgies, provides liturgy structures for different times of the Church’s year and which are inclusive in nature.
Word Search Puzzles based on Lectionary readings.
Celebrate Magazine is a useful liturgical resource. This website introduces the magazine and provides material for subscribers.