The dynamic of the Chapter process changed significantly today. The first three days have been devoted to providing important information about the current state of the Society. Today the capitulants took up the challenge of actively engaging with the material through a process of discernment and identification. Sr Christine, one of the facilitators, encouraged the capitulants to begin naming the “key and critical issues the Chapter must address in order to take bold steps towards 2017”A number of Chapter Committees have been set up by the Steering Committee “to deal with issues which in any chapter need special attention”. Each of the capitulants has been assigned to a committee. The committees cover such areas as t he election of the Superior General and Assistants General, finances, legislation, liturgy, postulate, and social activities. The committees have begun their work. Other groups, called Topic Groups, will be formed to deal with key and critical issues.
The Chapter is being helped by the presence and contribution of two well-qualified and experienced facilitators: Sr Christine Anderson, fcj and Fr Jim Christie sj. Both Christine and Jim have had extensive experience with chapters, religious groups, leadership training, and group work.
At the beginning of the Chapter, the capitulants elected the Steering Committee. The committee has the task of monitoring and guiding the Chapter process. The Steering Committee for this chapter is composed of Jan Hulshof (Chapter president), John Hannan (Chair of the Steering Committee), Rene Iturbe and Lote Raiwalui.