Forty-four submissions were received from provincial and district chapters, these included 16 formal postulata to the General Chapter. Up until 1 April individual Marists have sent in 6 postulata. 4 postulata from the General Administration have also been foreshadowed.
The Issues
- Government and Authority.
- The largest number of submissions received concern the government of the Society, especially concerning the authority of the Superior General. This is clearly the result of the discussion paper of the Superior General.
- There is general agreement that the issue must be addressed for more effective and decisive government in meeting the challenges faced by the SM today, if it is to move forward in its life and mission. One unit suggests that any reflection on the exercise of authority be made in the light of John 13:1-17.
- Discrepancies between the DC and the Const are acknowledged and the Chapter was urged to address these in order to support the Superior General for more effective and decisive government of SM and its mission.
- New structures of governance, even a total reconfiguration of General governance, are proposed. A restructuring which allows the GA to be closer to the grass roots is advocated; one suggestion is that major superiors could be included in the general governance. The location of the GA is one element that needs considering.
- A less radical way of addressing the issue suggested is to establish structures for closer consultation and involvement in setting of policies, decision making and execution between GA and major superiors, advanced by more regular meetings of SM leadership, frequent visits of the GA to units.
- There is a call to clarify the roles of SG, provincials and other major superiors, as well as a clarification of the principle of subsidiarity. In regard to governing in the Society, a call is made for resources to be put into preparing men for leadership.
- In a more specific exercise of authority, one unit proposes that the SG appoint all provincials, while another proposes that the involvement of the SG comes at an early stage in the process of election.
- On the wider level of government it is advocated that the three regions of the Society develop their internal communications and collaboration.
- It is acknowledged that a major reconfiguration of government structures will require considerable research and preparation of a plan for the future.
- That there be established a conciliation process to be followed in disputes between SG/GA and membership is proposed.
- Mission
- Issues concerning the mission of the Society received the second highest number of submissions.
- A review and perhaps revision of 2001 declaration on mission is called for towards establishing a process for reception and actualisation by all levels of SM. One unit suggested it is time to evaluate constructively the purpose for being in each mission district.
- A need is expressed for the Society to further articulation of how we are missionary.
- To build up mutual support and interest, the Chapter is invited to foster closer ties between areas of mission.
- There is a call for the SM to focus on one specific priority in our mission, e.g. the displaced and uprooted, non Christian areas.
- As to specific areas of missionary endeavour the present economic crisis influenced some suggestions about focusing on the marginalised who need help; a mission to non Christians is supported by some units; education is supported as a priority as well as minority groups including migrants.
- Whatever is decided the Society is urged to be adventurous and audacious.
- Religious Life, Marist Identity and Renewal
- As a combination of issues this comes a close third according to the number of submissions received.
- The General Chapter is invited to discuss and resolve issues of Marist identity!
- A renewal, reinvigoration of our spirituality is called for at this time: a rediscovery and deepening of our spirituality especially in its Marian and its mystical aspects is essential for renewal of our life and mission. The contemplative dimension of our call is emphasised in the proposal for an innovative retrieval of the spiritual and prayer practices of Fr Colin’s rule. A program is proposed for reigniting understanding, enthusiasm and recommitment to our Marist calling. On the other hand there also a call for a redefinition of Marist spirituality.
- Means of putting the above into effect: one district proposes the reestablishment of the second novitiate according to Fr Colin’s understanding, while another suggests a renewal program for the broader Marist family.
- Whatever is initiated it must involve witness of life. The desire is expressed that the constitutions to be truly lived, that at least there be one community in each unit that evidently incarnates the constitutions. In agreement with this one unit proposes that such a community be engaged in radical social ministry.
- Perhaps, it can be noted in this context the proposal for consistent criteria and quality control throughout the SM established and monitored by the GA. may be noted.
- Formation
- There is some explicit support for the policy and plans of the present GA for the internationalisation of initial formation. The need for a well defined clear policy is welcomed.
- The submissions of three units, however, express some concern about that formation policy – they urge that serious consideration to be given to the cultural roots of candidates for novitiate and scholasticate, that the cultural dimensions of formation be respected. A house of formation in Africa for French speakers is advocated.
- In the context of formation the proposal that some Marists be specifically trained to deal with finances can be mentioned.
- Ministries
- In proposals concerning specific ministries for the Chapter’s consideration, education receives the greatest mention. Education is extended in one proposal to embrace other ministries to the young.
- As was previously done for education, there is a proposal to set up an international forum on parishes.
- Another proposal is for provinces and districts to establish offices for peace, justice and integrity of creation.
- There is a hope expressed that the ministry of vocation recruitment be accorded an importance in the Society.
- Vocations
- The Society is urged to study examples of successful recruitment to apostolic religious institutes and consider if and how we can be involved.
- It is suggested that vocation promotion be coordinated internationally E.g. An international multi-lingual Marist vocation website; a SM youth festival in conjunction with WYD 2011; finding ways to involve young lay people in the Marist charism.
- In the context of vocations there may be included the call for the presentation of the Marist charism to young people by means of modern forms of communication.
- Connected with the issues of vocations there are two recommendations: to accord the ministry of vocation recruitment an importance in the Society; that when initiating a new mission outreach that areas where there are possibilities of vocations be considered.
- Sharing of resources
- The importance of sharing resources for future mission and ministries appears indirectly in a number of submissions.
- A need for a coordinated approach to the distribution of resources between the better and less well-resourced units of the Society is expressed.
- Associated with this, there is a call for improvement in communication, information sharing and fraternity between units of the SM to foster collegiality and share resources.
- A practical suggestion is that a concerted effort be made to remedy anything lacking in the basic needs of living for all our men especially those in places with poor economies.
- Concerning the management of the Society’s finances a proposition is offered: that some Marists be trained to be skilled in dealing with finances.
- Marist Laity
- Although there is no submission specifically addressing the Marist laity, one proposal offered recommends that the Chapter aims to encourage and resource Young Marist Lay movements.